Savoring Romania: A Journey Through The Country’s Wineries

A panoramic view of a vineyard in Romania with rows of grape vines.

Few know that Romania ranks among the top wine-producing nations in Europe. With a rich viticulture history dating back over 4000 years, Romanian wineries offer wine enthusiasts a surprising and delightful experience.

A bottle of Romanian wine with a glass filled with wine on a table overlooking a vineyard.

The Wineries of Transylvania

Home to legendary Dracula and magnificent castles, Transylvania also offers premium wines. Wineries like Jidvei and Liliac are popular for their delicious white wines, especially the ones made from the local Fetească Albă grape variety.

A vineyard in Transylvania with the Carpathian mountains in the background.

Moldova and Its Royal Vineyards

The region of Moldova, specifically Cotnari, has been producing wine since the 15th century. Famous for its sweet and semi-sweet wines, Cotnari was once served at royal courts throughout Europe.

A view of the sunlit vineyards in Cotnari with the winery building in the background.

Discovering Dealu Mare

Dealu Mare is often referred to as “Romania’s Tuscany”. With over 30 wineries, including the renowned LacertA and Budureasca, it is famous for its full-bodied reds, particularly those made from Fetească Neagră and Pinot Noir grapes.

A panoramic view of a vineyard in Dealu Mare.

Conclusion: A Toast to Romania’s Wine Heritage

From the sweet wines of Moldova to the robust reds of Dealu Mare, Romanian wineries are inviting all wine lovers to discover and savor their wines. It’s a delightful journey through taste, tradition, and terroir.

A wine tasting set up with several glasses of Romanian wines.

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