When visiting Norway, one aspect of the cultural landscape not to miss is the vibrant heritage of the Sámi people. The Sámi, the indigenous people of Northern Scandinavia, have a history and culture that stretches back thousands of years, and a unique relationship with the natural world.
Sámi Traditions

An essential part of understanding the Sámi people is immersing oneself in their traditions. The Sámi have a rich oral tradition, with storytelling, folk tales, and the yoik, a unique form of song or chant that is deeply personal and tied to the identity of the individual or the Sámi community.
Sámi Way of Life

Reindeer herding is a fundamental aspect of Sámi life, providing a source of food, fur, and transportation. Visiting a reindeer herding camp offers a fascinating look at the Sámi’s symbiotic relationship with these animals.
Sámi Handicrafts

Duodji, or Sámi handicrafts, provide another fascinating window into the culture. Intricately crafted items from knives to drums to clothing, often using materials from the natural environment, are more than functional objects – they are cultural expressions.
Preserving the Sámi Language
The Sámi language, actually a group of related languages, has struggled for survival, but recent efforts have led to its revitalization. Many Sámi now are proudly bilingual and committed to passing their mother tongue to younger generations.
The Sámi people, with their deep connection to the land, vibrant traditions, and resilient spirit, add a unique and enriching dimension to the cultural tapestry of Norway. To visit Norway and delve into Sámi culture is to enrich one’s understanding of the fascinating mosaic that is human cultural diversity.